I am a Sovereign Sexual Woman.
I do not have to explain or defend my choices.
I am not here to rescue, heal or save anybody.
Nor do I need saving, healing or rescuing by anyone.
I do not enable or make excuses for a man’s shadow behaviour.
I see it and respond with compassion and clarity.
My love is fierce and starts with me.
I am willing to have uncomfortable conversations to remain true.
I am willing to feel uncomfortable feelings to become whole.
I see the man who is there, not the man I want him to be
I choose from self-awareness and self-fulfilment, but never from lack or need.
I have no fear of rejection, because I know I’ve always got me.
I never give to get and am fully open to receive without needing to reciprocate.
I own my desire without apology or limitation.
I adore my body and revel in my sensuality.
There is no shame, nor secrets or lies in this temple.
I do not play games with my energy. There is no trading or manipulation here.
I am neither shielded, nor indiscriminately available.
I am open to life, but not to all comers.
My body, energy and yoni only open to a full inner yes. To presence, love and honouring.
And I am at choice to close again at any time.
I welcome my light and dark. I welcome all of me into awareness.
I cleanse and heal my womb space.
I honour my blood and cyclicity.
I recognise my beauty - at every age.
I celebrate my multi-dimensional orgasmicness.
I love my emotions.
I value my wisdom.
I have no need to control - whether overtly (through micro-managing and critique) or covertly (through withholding my truth and people-pleasing).
I trust myself and cultivate safety in my body and field.
I am gloriously unique & have no need to compare or compete with anybody else.
I give myself permission to express my authentic self at all times.
I am free. I am wild, I am alive. I am open.
I bow to the sacred union of masculine and feminine within.
I am self-fulfilled.
I am radiant.
I am Sovereign Sexual Woman.