I shared a provocative post in my Living Shakti Awake FB group the other day about a man fucking his woman open.
Some members loved it. Others not so much.
But one thing it illustrated was the powerful role polarity plays in attraction and pleasure.
Here's another example.
Some women in my RAPTURE Study Group were sharing how rarely they feel "in the mood" these days.
They're sad about it. They want to feel horny and open to their partners, but the desire just isn't there.
I wondered aloud who tends to embody which polarity in their couple?
And then began to embody and speak from the place of the Divine Masculine.
It didn't take long before they were swooning and crooning.
Yep. The thing they'd been missing was polarity.
In this case, their inner feminine was longing to be seduced and ravished.
But the stresses of the every-day, diminishing body confidence and the need to be in their masculine to do business in the world, meant that she was laying dormant.
At the same time, their male partners sounded ever so kind and understanding, but lacking in primal, penetrative energy.
For any man reading this, I can assure you, that pretty much every woman I've worked with yearns for this.
The essential caveat being, that your primal fuck-God has to be integrated with your heart and consciousness.
Otherwise, you're just using or raping her.
Is this level of integration easy?
Not straight away. Because it's not what we're taught or conditioned to embody.
Just like women have to shed layers of shame, self-loathing, trauma and insecurity, in order to reclaim their true radiance & juicyness.
It takes effort and awareness to re-wire centuries of programming.
It takes trial and error. Vulnerability and courage. Being willing to suck and fuck up, before a man can truly fuck her open or a woman can allow herself complete surrender.
But the rewards are immense in terms of greater intimacy, love, harmony, connection, vitality and well-being all round.
And the cheeky little secret is, that it's ultimately about both of you becoming better acquainted with your inner opposite polarity.
Kinda like how I can embody Shiva as much as Shakti. And turn women on simply by being him.
This, beautiful people, is Tantra.
Wanna come play, heal, grow and learn with me?
Here are a few ways for you to explore Tantra with me:
Come & join me live for my monthly online events on Wednesday evenings: a) The Tantric Temple for Men & Women & b) The Rapture Study Group for Women Only
Take one of my online self-study short courses or online self-study intensives: RAPTURE or Meeting the Masculine.
Join me for an in person Tantric Temple
Invest in some one-to-one mentoring
NB. This beautiful tantric art by Ines Honfi