about shakti
Priestess of Love, Dancer, Yogini, Tantrika, Facilitator, Healer, Anthropologist, Meditator, Bodyworker, Mother, Writer, Creatrix.
I follow the path of truth, love and ecstasy, and guide others in opening to their highest potential of soul alignment, inner union and liberated self-expression, whether through my writing, group events or one-to-one sessions.
It is my calling to live as the embodiment of radiant, awakened wholeness and inspire others to their unique expression of that: integrating sex and spirit, masculine and feminine, body and mind, light and dark, love and desire.
I am trained in many modalities of embodied awareness and authentic relating, with a particular passion for bringing tantric principles to life in the every-day.
I teach and hold space from a place of rich life experience and inner wisdom, as well as extensive study, practice and personal work, that is always alive and ongoing.
Welcome to my site and welcome to my world!